Viser nu Swaziland - Post frimærker (1970 - 1979) - 156 frimærker.
16. juli VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14½
![[The 9th Commonwealth Games, Edinburgh, type CF]](
![[The 9th Commonwealth Games, Edinburgh, type CG]](
![[The 9th Commonwealth Games, Edinburgh, type CH]](
![[The 9th Commonwealth Games, Edinburgh, type CI]](
1. februar VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14½
![[Native Flowers, type CJ]](
![[Native Flowers, type CK]](
![[Native Flowers, type CL]](
![[Native Flowers, type CM]](
22. december VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14½
![[The 50th Anniversary of Accession of King Sobhuza II, type CN]](
![[The 50th Anniversary of Accession of King Sobhuza II, type CO]](
![[The 50th Anniversary of Accession of King Sobhuza II, type CP]](
![[The 50th Anniversary of Accession of King Sobhuza II, type CQ]](
17. april VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14½
![[The 25th Anniversary of UNICEF, type CR]](
![[The 25th Anniversary of UNICEF, type CS]](
11. september VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14
![[Tourism, type CT]](
![[Tourism, type CU]](
![[Tourism, type CV]](
![[Tourism, type CW]](
21. maj VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14½
![[The 25th Anniversary of W.H.O., type CX]](
![[The 25th Anniversary of W.H.O., type CY]](
21. juni VM: 3 Perforeringer: 13¾ x 14
![[Natural Products, type CZ]](
![[Natural Products, type DA]](
![[Natural Products, type DB]](
![[Natural Products, type DC]](
7. september VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14
![[The 5th Anniversary of Independence, type DD]](
![[The 5th Anniversary of Independence, type DE]](
![[The 5th Anniversary of Independence, type DF]](
![[The 5th Anniversary of Independence, type DG]](
29. marts VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14
![[University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, type DH]](
![[University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, type DI]](
![[University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, type DJ]](
![[University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, type DK]](
juli VM: 3 Perforeringer: 11 x 13
![[The 75th Anniversary of the Birth of King Sobhuza II, 1899-1982, type DL]](
![[The 75th Anniversary of the Birth of King Sobhuza II, 1899-1982, type DM]](
![[The 75th Anniversary of the Birth of King Sobhuza II, 1899-1982, type DN]](
9. oktober VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14
![[The 100th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union, type DO]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union, type DP]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union, type DQ]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union, type DR]](
2. januar VM: 3 Perforeringer: 12¾ x 13¼
![[Emanlangeni Currency, type CB1]](
![[Emanlangeni Currency, type CC1]](
20. marts VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14½
![[Youth, type DS]](
![[Youth, type DT]](
![[Youth, type DU]](
![[Youth, type DV]](
18. august VM: 3 Perforeringer: 14½
![[The 10th Anniversary of Internal Air Service, type DW]](
![[The 10th Anniversary of Internal Air Service, type DX]](
![[The 10th Anniversary of Internal Air Service, type DY]](
![[The 10th Anniversary of Internal Air Service, type DZ]](
15. november VM: 3 Perforeringer: 13½ x 12¾
![[Previous Issues Surcharged, type BU1]](
![[Previous Issues Surcharged, type BW1]](